Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Life In iPhone Photos

It's been a crazy week.

Last week started out super emotional because of this news.

Friday, I turned 24. My day started off with a fave drink from Starbucks, birthday call from Charissa and Andrew, lunch at CSUF with David, Wendy and Lars, shopping at Forever 21 with Wendy and then ended with dinner with Alex and the rest of the family at Macaroni Grill.

Saturday evening, Wendy and I went to the women's conference at our old church for a few hours. We didn't plan on both of us wearing gray, but we often match without planning it.

Sunday was church and Blackberry Bush. Always a happy place.

Monday started with coffee with my friend Lauren. We went to middle school together and reconnected over Facebook. I love the sweet friendship we have. The evening saw the first of two trips to the pumpkin patch.

Yesterday's highlight was breakfast and window shopping downtown with another dear girlfriend, Janelle.

Today was our weekly women's group followed by lunch at Panera (we also went there last week). They have Mac N Cheese which I love!

A few other highlights of the past week included:

Lots of trips to Trader Joe's! They are the best grocery store ever!

Wearing a new outfit that I bought in Denver and buying three new dresses (one maxi I wore for my birthday, one sweater dress, and a crepe '60's mod dress to wear to a wedding). I really love dresses and wedges!

Cuddling with the kitties.

Notes from family and friends.

Breaking Amish

New name badge at Old Navy (I had lost mine weeks ago).

Sister Style: On Wednesday's We Wear Pink - Halloween Edition

I added a little orange for Halloween.

Karmen is in the middle of cleaning up damage from Hurricane Sandy.

Charissa looks absolutely beautiful!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Sister Style: On Wednesday's We Wear Pink + A Special Guest




Hair change - my friend Ruth did a quick up do for me at our women's group!

Our beautiful special guest, my adopted Mom, Wendy!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

You May or May Not Know

1. I'm obsessed with dresses and wedges.
2. My fave show right now is Breaking Amish (I never watch it on TV, always online).
3. I prefer tea in the morning and coffee in the evening.
4. At any given time, I have 5-10 books next to my bed.
5. I just bought hot pink cowboy boots (I had a pair as a little girl) and am telling myself that I'm in desperate need of more cowboy boots!
6. I've been wanting Panera's Mac N Cheese for about 3 weeks!
7. I don't have the top sheet tucked in on my bed.
8. I don't really like working at a desk. Depending on what house I'm at, I work on the couch or my bed.
9. I'm super organized, yet my bedroom is a complete disaster.
10.  I love sending people handwritten notes and cards.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Election 2012: It Is Finished

After 2+ hours, I finally finished filling out my ballot! Are you ready for the November 6 election? Be sure to take the time to really read and research before you vote! If you're in CA, take a look at The Bottom Line Voter Guide and be sure to pass it on to everyone you know! 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sister Style: On Wednesday's We Wear Pink

Seeing as it's Wednesday, which is the designated day of the week that we wear pink, here's our outfits for today!



Happy Wednesday to you!

For My Future Mr.

To my darling husband,

Even before we met or were even married, I've been praying for you and for our relationship.

I pray that you are kind, wise, strong, humble and courageous in all that you do.

I pray that you seek the Lord and continually pursue a relationship with him each and every day.

I pray that you have a wonderful family whom you love and that loves you.

I pray that you have friends that you can go the distance with and Christian men that you are accountable to.

I pray that you are kind and respectful to your Mother and grandmothers and to anyone that is older than you.

I pray that you have mentors who are speaking into your life.

I pray that you never stop learning.

I pray that you take care of your health.

I pray that you make careful decisions with your finances.

I pray that you work hard and that you love what you do.

I pray that you have activities and hobbies that you love that fill your time.

I pray that you are actively involved in your church community.

I pray that you love to laugh.

I pray that you will be the head of our marriage and our family.

I pray that you will ask David for my hand in marriage and that you will work hard to have a good relationship with him.

I pray that as the provider of our family, you will have favor in all that you do.

I pray that as a couple that we will seek the Lord together in all that we do and that we will keep the Lord at the center of our marriage.

I pray that as a couple that we will pray together regularly.

I pray that as a couple that we will be actively involved in our church community.

I pray that as a couple we will help each other pursue our dreams.

I pray that as a couple we will learn how to effectively communicate with each other.

I pray that as a couple we will learn each others love languages and be respectful of them.

I pray that as a couple, together we can build a home that is a safe place not only for our children, but for all who enter it.

I pray that as a couple that we will make a point of getting along and spending quality time separately and together with each others best friends.

I pray for our children, that we will pray for and with them daily and that we speak words of blessing over them.

I pray for you as our children's father, that you may show them the love that the Father has shown us and that you will be everything that they need in a Dad.

I pray that as a couple that we will fight fairly and that we will be respectful of each other. That we can speak the truth in love to each other, even when it's hard.

I pray that as a couple that we always flirt with each other and never stop pursuing one another.

With all my love,
Your wife

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Big and Little Sweet Moments

This weekend was full of lots of sweet moments, both big and small.

Friday night started with big news as my sister and brother shared with family and friends (a few of us already knew) that: 

Needless to say, I am incredibly excited for them and can't wait for June! I know that they are going to be the most wonderful parents and I can't wait to meet (and spoil)  their little sweetie!

Sweet moment #2 came on Saturday afternoon. The parents and I had made a trip up to Hollywood as Dad had a meeting. Mom and I had decided to wander down to Rodeo Drive for lunch. We then headed to the Beverly Center which left us feeling like we had just been in a scene from Alice and Wonderland. By the time we got back to the hotel to meet Dad we were completely frazzled. Being the incredible guy he is, he declared on the way home that, "Sometimes you just need to stop for ice cream!" So we stopped at McDonalds for ice cream and sat and talked and laughed. We had such a fun time hanging out and hearing all about the meeting!

These sweet moments are the highlights of my days! They are the little pieces of life that  I treasure in my heart!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Sister Style: On Wednesday's We Wear Pink

Charissa came up with the genius idea of wearing pink on Wednesday's after the scene in Mean Girls where Karen declares, "On Wednesday's we wear pink!" Here's what we came up with! Sunday's Karmen has decided that we're going to wear our hair up!

There's a pink flower in my hair on the right.

Bought these bad boys last night!

Monday, October 08, 2012

Monday Blues

Today has not been the best day. I woke up cranky. I was worried about time management and scheduling. Having too much to do and not enough time to do it.

I had to keep remembering that my mood doesn't get to control my day. Despite my loved ones giving me encouragement, hugs, texts, etc. my mood still didn't improve. I am the daughter of a loving God who is with me always and sees my bad days, walking beside me through them. So I need to keep telling myself that, I don't need to be cranky because I am extremely blessed.

Sunday, October 07, 2012

My weekend in photos

It was a super tranquilo weekend in the mean streets of Huntington Beach. It started off with lounging on the family room couches with the kitties and Mom while watching TV. Stayed over at the parents on Friday and Saturday night (they went to Pasadena for the night on Friday night). 

Had a much needed low key Saturday. Slept in on Saturday morning. Did my devos out on the hammock followed by some office work. Breakfast for lunch at one of my fave local restaurants, The Sugar Shack (all the cool kids go straight to the back patio). Nail appointment and Skype date with my ladies. Started reorganizing our home office with Mom in the evening and then lounged on the couch and surfed Pinterest for two hours (the time goes by so fast)! We always end up looking at cat photos!

Today was church and Blackberry Bush. Pulled out a super flowy dress and wedges (actually Charissa picked the dress the day before)! Saw my dear friend Janelle and planned some fun girly outings with our Mom's in the next month! I have totally missed that girl! Came home for a nap and dinner and then met the man BFF in the evening. We hadn't seen each other in about a month because we've both been traveling and have been crazy busy. He likes to swipe my iPhone and leave crazy videos on it when I'm not paying attention.

All in all, I am one incredibly blessed lady! Here's to the start of another crazy week!

Friday, October 05, 2012

It's My Duty

I love politics, American history, and government. In high school I thought I wanted to be a lawyer or work on political campaigns. Needless to say, I get excited for campaign season. My ballot came a few nights ago and I couldn't wait to begin researching all of the candidates and propositions. This link is one of the most comprehensive voter guides you'll find in the state of California! Looking forward to November 6!

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Thank you God, for...

Driving home along PCH this afternoon.

This morning at my women's group, the question we started with (it coincides with the book we're studying) was:

Thank you God, for:

This got me thinking. There are so many little things that I fail to realize each day that I am grateful for. So today, thank you God, for:

Early morning texts and tweets from my girls.
The pups greeting me first thing when I get up (even though it's because they know I'll feed them).
Big hugs from an elderly woman in my church this is incredibly wise.
Mom making pumpkin bread from Trader Joe's for our women's group.
Couch time
Little hints of fall

Monday, October 01, 2012

Let's Hear it for the Girls

Sometimes you just need your girls. After a long weekend, Monday started off with a trip to Ikea with my sweet Mama and lots of texts and tweets from my fave ladies.

It goes without saying that I love them a ton. Actually a crap ton. They make my days brighter and my life sweeter.