Tuesday, April 23, 2013

On Self Talk

Words. Discussion. Thoughts. Dialogue. Sentences. Spoken. Written. Said. Left unsaid. Each day is filled with so many words. Sometimes too many words. So many words that silence feels like a peaceful vacation. Words can be helpful or they can be harmful. My women's group recently started studying a book on the power of our words and how what we say impacts each other.

I got to thinking today that our words don't just impact each other, they impact each of us down to the core of who we are. I found myself saying things about myself out of judgment that simply weren't true. I am my own worst critic. If I want to change the way that I speak to others, I first have to change the way I speak to and about myself.

I am choosing to speak positively about myself. When I do something that I don't like, instead of becoming negative, I'm going to look for a way to frame said action in a different manner. If I want this year to be my best year yet, I need to not only work on completing the task list that I created at the beginning of the year, but I need to work on loving myself which starts with how I speak about myself. God certainly doesn't see me the way I do and he certainly is grieved by the way I speak to myself and about myself.

Here's to making some changes!

Friday, April 12, 2013

What's On Your...

I saw this fun list over on Jessica's blog and thought it would be a fun Friday post to do the same! 

Vanity: Victoria's Secret Divine lotion, eyeshadow applicators, toothbrush and toothpaste, face wipes and face cleanser, hair ties, bobby pins, and a comb!

Perennial To Do List: Apply for my passport, call my great aunt in Ohio, clean out my closet

Itinerary: Next trip is to see my sister in July and then to Minnesota to visit family and friends!

Fantasy Itinerary: Rotterdam and Amsterdam, Holland / France / Germany / Kyoto, Japan

Playlist: Elevation Worship, The Civil Wars, Bronze Radio Return, Train

Nightstand: Family photos, candle from Ikea, white tulips, lotion and make up remover wipes, coaster, Bible and books I'm reading (Duties of the Heart + The Year of Magical Thinking)

Workout Plan: I've been walking for about 45 minutes several times per week.

Iphone: Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Texts and photos from loved ones, Bible, Twitter, plus tons of other apps

Top 5 List: 1. Making 2013 my best year yet. 2. Helping my family be more productive. 3. Making time for fun activities. 4. Growing my "go the distance" relationships. 5. Growing in my prayer time.

Bucket List: Travel the world, become a wife and mom, build stronger relationships with my loved ones

Mind: Listening in on a conference call for this.

Blogroll: SisterDadLaurenKarenAllison, and tons of others

Walls of your favorite room in your house: Family photos, antique iron cross, Photos of Paris, jewelry organizer

Liquor Shelf: Barefoot Moscato, Trader Joe's Cocoban, Chocovine, Newcastle

Last Credit Card Statement: Forever 21 for clothes, Walgreens for face cleanser and photos, Starbucks, Trader Joe's, Amazon for a copy of "The Iron Lady" (all purchased in the last few days)

Screensaver: Favorite photos

TV Every Night: I hardly ever watch TV in front of the TV (I download online later on), but I'm currently watching the newest season of Mad Men.

Charissa, Lauren, Karen, Allison I tag you!


Thursday, April 11, 2013

Five Fun Facts

My sister and sweet friend Allison both had posted these fun lists on their blogs 
and in an attempt to get back at writing on here regularly, I thought it would be a great way to start off! 

1. I prefer tea over coffee! I usually have tea  a minimum of twice a day (at least once being chai)! 
Coffee, for me, is either a dessert or an indicator to my family that I'm extremely tired.
2. I collect vintage handkerchiefs. My Mom, her Mom, my great Aunt, and my great-Grandma 
all loved them and they have passed on that love to me! 
I'm always on the look out for pretty handkerchiefs and vintage Pyrex!
3. I despise wearing pants and closed toe shoes! 
Any day where I can wear dresses and sandals or wedges is a good day in my book!
4. At any given time, I'm in the middle of reading at least three books! Currently I'm working on 
(which my second Dad and I are working on together)!
5. I recently discovered ipsy! I'm totally excited about this concept and 
was delighted to find that my first bag arrived last night!

Lauren I tag you!
