I don't come to this space often, but when I do, it's to record the thoughts and moments that are most special to me.
Today is the last day of September. It's been an incredibly full month. One of the busiest of the year. September was also one of my favorite months of 2012 as it was home to two of the most special days of the year.
I don't want to forget the fun day we spent in Catalina for Wendy's 52nd birthday. I don't want to forget walking around and all four of us taking photos on our smart phones. The incredibly fun lunch we had where we made up stories about people passing by. Lars wanting to get a shirt that said, "YOLO" and "SWAG". Walking around and seeing all of the charming little homes (each of us picking out our fave ones) and discovering something new around each corner. The pink hotel. The golf cart ride and the cool breeze on my face. Lars and me both finding TOMS! Ice cream cones. Standing in the freezers in Vons to cool off. Most importantly, I don't want to forget the little getaway with these three people that I love so dearly.
I don't want to forget all the giggles and late night laughs with my girls. The constant jokes. Zach's crazy songs and the banter that followed. Shopping at Victoria's Secret and Forever 21 and the horrible waiter at lunch. Jimmy John's. Photo shoots. Lots of Instagrams. Karmen's epic tweets. Andrew's country dance moves. Ikea. Honey Boo Boo Child. Chip buddy's. DIY projects. Charissa's crazy driving. Rick and Jimmy always ready to entertain with jokes! Ghost Hunters. Kim K. Going Pentecostal. Finding Seraphina, the cat. Praying over Charissa before the ceremony. Kim praying over me before I left for the airport. Most importantly, I don't want to forget the sweet joy I felt all week because my very best friend married the man of her dreams.